Sunday, July 22, 2007

Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures

Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures
Draft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. These people are Liars, Crooks, Con Artists, and worthless Unemployed trashes Monica is a biggest Evil witch and a con Artist.

Group Urges Gore To Run For President
100,000 People Sign Petition To Urge Gore
POSTED: 8:38 am CDT July 12, 2007
UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT July 12, 2007

pathetic: only $4800 for Gore on ActBlue?
by azizhp
Tue Jul 10, 2007 at 06:02:17 AM PDT
Update [2007-7-10 10:3:26 by azizhp]: people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free.
Update [2007-7-10 10:7:30 by azizhp]: Fred Thompson, another undeclared candidate for President, is raising boatloads of cash.

According to this Posting on DailyKos these Racist Draft Gore con Artist were able to raise only $4800 through actblue, Lets say if those 100, 000 people donated $1, each person , they shoud have $100,000 in their account and can they show to America that they $100, 000 in their account. Evil witches and Demons why are you lying to the American people and deceiving them. This Evil witch Monica is the Major witch who is responsible for conning the American people and Al Gore. Burn in Rotten hell witch.


Racist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on tRacist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on their forums (,, ) .

Draft Al Gore Videos

They stole money from Katrina Victims. These people are Evil doers and they are worser than the criminals.Racist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artistsRacist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artists

There are Millions of Democrats and the republicans who are honest, Genuine and who are not racist . However this small group of Draft Al Gore Con Artists are Racists, Liars, Thieves, and Manipulators who are trying to deceive the American people and ruin the entire country. You need only few Evil doers to ruin the entire world or the country. These are the same Cold hearted , heartless Evil doers who stole money from the innocent Katrina Victims.They are evil doers trying to ruin the entire America and ruin Al Gore’s name and his reputation by lying , cheating and Conning the American people daily. They are Con Artist Sally Westgate from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim .

Racist Draft Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves , Jews, Hispanics , Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Iranians, Indians , Pakistani’s and other Foreigners for Votes and Donation Conservative Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves, Hispanics to work in their Farm, Clean their houses, and asking for their Votes and Urge every Americans to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore Urge every minorities to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore people.

I would urge every Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Iranians, Arabs, Latinos and other foreigners (French, Germans, Italians, Russians) to stay away from these Conservative Racist Draft Gore people if you have some self respect and dignity. They hate the minorities and they discriminate against you. Therefore use your own Judgment. They make fun of the way you speak English and they make fun of the way you write English, although they speak and write like illiterates.

They have made many racial comments about you , they abused you, they insulted you , they called you by names , they criticized you on their forums (,, ) and they don’t like you because they are Evil and you are God‘s children . Now they want your Votes, Money and Support. Have some self respect for your self. Stay away from these con Artists and Criminals. That’s why I call them Racist Draft Gore Con Artists.

They stole money from Katrina Victims. Now they steal money from the American people daily, by lying, cheating and conning the innocent vulnerable Americans. As far as I am concerned they are worthless Predicts that Conservative Racist Draft Gore people will never accomplish anything in this world or in America as they wanted.

They Stole money from Katrina victims (Jan Moore witch) . Now they are stealing money from the American people on a daily basis by using Al Gore’s name. They all will fail in their effort and burn in hell. also claims that they created thousands of fake signatures in order to fool other democrats and the republicans by manipulating internet software by using their elementary cheap tricks and the fake names they created.Draft Gore movement is mainly run by losers who don’t have a life, mainly retired unemployed old conservatives from the racist southern state of Tennessee and some con artists looking for job in politics by using Vice president Al Gore.

They are mainly looking for your Votes, support and Money so that they go against the republicans. Most of them are desperate people who are looking for short time partners.These people would do anything to con the Americans. Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from Sally Westgate, Jim are thieves and con artists.There is also another old lady who lives in UK, Anne , who is desperate and one of the worst evil doer. She uses her Conservative racist male friends to attack other democrats or republicans. Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.At the end they all will turn out to be the losers and pay for their sins they committed against god and other living beings in hell.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures

Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures
Draft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. These people are Liars, Crooks, Con Artists, and worthless Unemployed trashes Monica is a biggest Evil witch and a con Artist.

Group Urges Gore To Run For President
100,000 People Sign Petition To Urge Gore
POSTED: 8:38 am CDT July 12, 2007
UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT July 12, 2007

pathetic: only $4800 for Gore on ActBlue?
by azizhp
Tue Jul 10, 2007 at 06:02:17 AM PDT
Update [2007-7-10 10:3:26 by azizhp]: people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free.
Update [2007-7-10 10:7:30 by azizhp]: Fred Thompson, another undeclared candidate for President, is raising boatloads of cash.

According to this Posting on DailyKos these Racist Draft Gore con Artist were able to raise only $4800 through actblue, Lets say if those 100, 000 people donated $1, each person , they shoud have $100,000 in their account and can they show to America that they $100, 000 in their account. Evil witches and Demons why are you lying to the American people and deceiving them. This Evil witch Monica is the Major witch who is responsible for conning the American people and Al Gore. Burn in Rotten hell witch.


Racist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on tRacist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on their forums (,, ) .

Draft Al Gore Videos

They stole money from Katrina Victims. These people are Evil doers and they are worser than the criminals.Racist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artistsRacist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artists

There are Millions of Democrats and the republicans who are honest, Genuine and who are not racist . However this small group of Draft Al Gore Con Artists are Racists, Liars, Thieves, and Manipulators who are trying to deceive the American people and ruin the entire country. You need only few Evil doers to ruin the entire world or the country. These are the same Cold hearted , heartless Evil doers who stole money from the innocent Katrina Victims.They are evil doers trying to ruin the entire America and ruin Al Gore’s name and his reputation by lying , cheating and Conning the American people daily. They are Con Artist Sally Westgate from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim .

Racist Draft Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves , Jews, Hispanics , Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Iranians, Indians , Pakistani’s and other Foreigners for Votes and Donation Conservative Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves, Hispanics to work in their Farm, Clean their houses, and asking for their Votes and Urge every Americans to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore Urge every minorities to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore people.

I would urge every Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Iranians, Arabs, Latinos and other foreigners (French, Germans, Italians, Russians) to stay away from these Conservative Racist Draft Gore people if you have some self respect and dignity. They hate the minorities and they discriminate against you. Therefore use your own Judgment. They make fun of the way you speak English and they make fun of the way you write English, although they speak and write like illiterates.

They have made many racial comments about you , they abused you, they insulted you , they called you by names , they criticized you on their forums (,, ) and they don’t like you because they are Evil and you are God‘s children . Now they want your Votes, Money and Support. Have some self respect for your self. Stay away from these con Artists and Criminals. That’s why I call them Racist Draft Gore Con Artists.

They stole money from Katrina Victims. Now they steal money from the American people daily, by lying, cheating and conning the innocent vulnerable Americans. As far as I am concerned they are worthless Predicts that Conservative Racist Draft Gore people will never accomplish anything in this world or in America as they wanted.

They Stole money from Katrina victims (Jan Moore witch) . Now they are stealing money from the American people on a daily basis by using Al Gore’s name. They all will fail in their effort and burn in hell. also claims that they created thousands of fake signatures in order to fool other democrats and the republicans by manipulating internet software by using their elementary cheap tricks and the fake names they created.Draft Gore movement is mainly run by losers who don’t have a life, mainly retired unemployed old conservatives from the racist southern state of Tennessee and some con artists looking for job in politics by using Vice president Al Gore.

They are mainly looking for your Votes, support and Money so that they go against the republicans. Most of them are desperate people who are looking for short time partners.These people would do anything to con the Americans. Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from Sally Westgate, Jim are thieves and con artists.There is also another old lady who lives in UK, Anne , who is desperate and one of the worst evil doer. She uses her Conservative racist male friends to attack other democrats or republicans. Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.At the end they all will turn out to be the losers and pay for their sins they committed against god and other living beings in hell.

Monday, July 16, 2007

ConArtist , Racist Draft Al Gore Monica Keeps on lying about conning the American people and Al Gore

ConArtist , Racist Draft Al Gore Monica Keeps on lying about conning the American people and Al Gore
Signatures, but little money for Gore? (updated)
Thomas LifsonWSMV television in Nashville, Al Gore's home town, recently reported that "more than 100,000 people" have signed a petition urging Al Gore to run for president. Sounds like a lot of people really want him to run, doesn't it?
But according to Act Blue ("The online clearinghouse for Democratic action"), The Al Gore for President Draft Fund has, as of this posting, received only 165 donations, with a total of $4806 raised.
That means that fewer than 0.165% of those who supposedly signed the petition have actually donated even a buck to the draft Gore fund. Given the fact that petition-signers are obviously a group well-disposed toward donating and that there are supposed to be over 100,000 of them, such a tiny number of donors stepping up and putting up cash is curious, to say the least.
"Azihp", who blogs at Daily Kos, notes,
"...people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free."
Gore-bots never impressed me as the brightest bunch. After all, they accept Gore as a scientific authority. But even with this excuse for the poor confused supporters, this fund-raising total is pathetic. As "Azihp" notes, the undeclared Fred Thompson candidacy is raising "boatloads" of cash.
With his Live Earth concerts a bust, the turnout in Washington, DC for a free concert humiliatingly pathetic, it sounds like Al Gore is so very 90's.
We received the following email from an email account with the name DraftGore in it:
Dear Editor, Your article entitled "Signatures, but little money for Gore" is one of the most embarrassing bits of journalism I've ever seen. You pick up a bit of news (100,000 signatures) and then check a random ActBlue fund that has NOTHING to do with the people raising money for this effort or the organization running the petition, and conclude there's no money for Gore. What does that insignifacant ActBlue fund have to do with anything? And especially with the petition? Or Draft Gore? Or the entire movement, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars?For your information, Draft Gore -- yes, that's us, the PAC that has run the petition -- has raised some $50,000 over the last few months from grassroots contributions. With almost no publicity. Feel free to check with ActBlue and see that our fund through their organization (NOT the generic ActBlue fund that's not advertised anywhere) has raised nearly $40,000. And we raise money in other ways as well, not just through Act Blue. I'm a journalist by profession and would have never graduated from J-school with the kind of shaby and biased reporting you did here. I very respectfully request you correct this. Sincerely, Monica FriedlanderDraft Gore (
I did in fact consult Act Blue, and you can, too. Just go to the homepage and click on "Candidate Directory" at the top of the page and then "Candidates for president" and then "Al Gore" and you will find the total I cited.
This is apparently evidence of "one of the most embarrassing bits of journalism" Ms. Friedlander (who got a J-school degree!) has ever seen. Evidently she has never heard of Rathergate, faked exploding trucks, or Walter Durranty.
But she does seem to think it would be admirable journalism to take the word of an emailer and post a correction. I wrote back to her and asked for some evidence at a Draft Gore site or at least posted posted somewhere that her claims were true. Strange that she didn't learn about not accepting the word of strangers sending emails at face value in J-school, but then again I seem to remember that Al Gore gave some J-school lectures at Columbia.
And after I asked, she did write back with a link to this page on ActBlue, revealing 845 people (less than 0.845 percent of the 100,000 signatories) had sent in almost $37,000 to draft Al Gore. I have suggested that she clue in the ActBlue folks, but she has written not one word of criticism of them or Daily Kos, for that matter. All her fury seems reserved for American Thinker, so far as her correspondence with me reveals.So because she did finally reveal a published source (and now claims that figure needs to be revised upward), we offer this update to indicate the massive wave of support for drafting Gore, and the response rate of less than one percent of petition-signers putting up money. I hope that everyone will weigh these figures and decide independently how impressive they are.

ConArtist , Racist Draft Al Gore Monica Keeps on lying about conning the American people and Al Gore

ConArtist , Racist Draft Al Gore Monica Keeps on lying about conning the American people and Al Gore
Signatures, but little money for Gore? (updated)
Thomas LifsonWSMV television in Nashville, Al Gore's home town, recently reported that "more than 100,000 people" have signed a petition urging Al Gore to run for president. Sounds like a lot of people really want him to run, doesn't it?
But according to Act Blue ("The online clearinghouse for Democratic action"), The Al Gore for President Draft Fund has, as of this posting, received only 165 donations, with a total of $4806 raised.
That means that fewer than 0.165% of those who supposedly signed the petition have actually donated even a buck to the draft Gore fund. Given the fact that petition-signers are obviously a group well-disposed toward donating and that there are supposed to be over 100,000 of them, such a tiny number of donors stepping up and putting up cash is curious, to say the least.
"Azihp", who blogs at Daily Kos, notes,
"...people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free."
Gore-bots never impressed me as the brightest bunch. After all, they accept Gore as a scientific authority. But even with this excuse for the poor confused supporters, this fund-raising total is pathetic. As "Azihp" notes, the undeclared Fred Thompson candidacy is raising "boatloads" of cash.
With his Live Earth concerts a bust, the turnout in Washington, DC for a free concert humiliatingly pathetic, it sounds like Al Gore is so very 90's.
We received the following email from an email account with the name DraftGore in it:
Dear Editor, Your article entitled "Signatures, but little money for Gore" is one of the most embarrassing bits of journalism I've ever seen. You pick up a bit of news (100,000 signatures) and then check a random ActBlue fund that has NOTHING to do with the people raising money for this effort or the organization running the petition, and conclude there's no money for Gore. What does that insignifacant ActBlue fund have to do with anything? And especially with the petition? Or Draft Gore? Or the entire movement, which has raised hundreds of thousands of dollars?For your information, Draft Gore -- yes, that's us, the PAC that has run the petition -- has raised some $50,000 over the last few months from grassroots contributions. With almost no publicity. Feel free to check with ActBlue and see that our fund through their organization (NOT the generic ActBlue fund that's not advertised anywhere) has raised nearly $40,000. And we raise money in other ways as well, not just through Act Blue. I'm a journalist by profession and would have never graduated from J-school with the kind of shaby and biased reporting you did here. I very respectfully request you correct this. Sincerely, Monica FriedlanderDraft Gore (
I did in fact consult Act Blue, and you can, too. Just go to the homepage and click on "Candidate Directory" at the top of the page and then "Candidates for president" and then "Al Gore" and you will find the total I cited.
This is apparently evidence of "one of the most embarrassing bits of journalism" Ms. Friedlander (who got a J-school degree!) has ever seen. Evidently she has never heard of Rathergate, faked exploding trucks, or Walter Durranty.
But she does seem to think it would be admirable journalism to take the word of an emailer and post a correction. I wrote back to her and asked for some evidence at a Draft Gore site or at least posted posted somewhere that her claims were true. Strange that she didn't learn about not accepting the word of strangers sending emails at face value in J-school, but then again I seem to remember that Al Gore gave some J-school lectures at Columbia.
And after I asked, she did write back with a link to this page on ActBlue, revealing 845 people (less than 0.845 percent of the 100,000 signatories) had sent in almost $37,000 to draft Al Gore. I have suggested that she clue in the ActBlue folks, but she has written not one word of criticism of them or Daily Kos, for that matter. All her fury seems reserved for American Thinker, so far as her correspondence with me reveals.So because she did finally reveal a published source (and now claims that figure needs to be revised upward), we offer this update to indicate the massive wave of support for drafting Gore, and the response rate of less than one percent of petition-signers putting up money. I hope that everyone will weigh these figures and decide independently how impressive they are.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

Draft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. The

Draft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. These people are Liars, Crooks, and Con Artists.

Group Urges Gore To Run For President
100,000 People Sign Petition To Urge Gore
POSTED: 8:38 am CDT July 12, 2007
UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT July 12, 2007

pathetic: only $4800 for Gore on ActBlue?
by azizhp
Tue Jul 10, 2007 at 06:02:17 AM PDT
Update [2007-7-10 10:3:26 by azizhp]: people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free.
Update [2007-7-10 10:7:30 by azizhp]: Fred Thompson, another undeclared candidate for President, is raising boatloads of cash.

According to this Posting on DailyKos these Racist Draft Gore con Artist were able to raise only $4800 through actblue, Lets say if those 100, 000 people donated $1, each person , they should have $100,000 in their account and can they show to America that they have $100, 000 in their account.
Al Gore for President Draft Fund Election:
165 Supporters 4,806 Raised

If Al Gore ever believes in these Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artists you will go down the hill along with them

Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures
Draft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. These people are Liars, Crooks, Con Artists, and worthless Unemployed trashes Monica is a biggest Evil witch and a con Artist.

Group Urges Gore To Run For President
100,000 People Sign Petition To Urge Gore
POSTED: 8:38 am CDT July 12, 2007
UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT July 12, 2007

pathetic: only $4800 for Gore on ActBlue?
by azizhp
Tue Jul 10, 2007 at 06:02:17 AM PDT
Update [2007-7-10 10:3:26 by azizhp]: people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free.
Update [2007-7-10 10:7:30 by azizhp]: Fred Thompson, another undeclared candidate for President, is raising boatloads of cash.

According to this Posting on DailyKos these Racist Draft Gore con Artist were able to raise only $4800 through actblue, Lets say if those 100, 000 people donated $1, each person , they shoud have $100,000 in their account and can they show to America that they $100, 000 in their account. Evil witches and Demons why are you lying to the American people and deceiving them. This Evil witch Monica is the Major witch who is responsible for conning the American people and Al Gore. Burn in Rotten hell witch.


Racist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on tRacist Draft Al Gore People discriminate, insult, and abuse Minorities (Blacks , Hispanics, Latinos, Asians, Arabs , Jews and other foreigners) on their forums (,, ) .

Draft Al Gore Videos

They stole money from Katrina Victims. These people are Evil doers and they are worser than the criminals.Racist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artistsRacist and Con Artist Sally Westgate (from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim are racists, thieves and con artists

There are Millions of Democrats and the republicans who are honest, Genuine and who are not racist . However this small group of Draft Al Gore Con Artists are Racists, Liars, Thieves, and Manipulators who are trying to deceive the American people and ruin the entire country. You need only few Evil doers to ruin the entire world or the country. These are the same Cold hearted , heartless Evil doers who stole money from the innocent Katrina Victims.They are evil doers trying to ruin the entire America and ruin Al Gore’s name and his reputation by lying , cheating and Conning the American people daily. They are Con Artist Sally Westgate from Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Al Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from , Jim .

Racist Draft Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves , Jews, Hispanics , Latinos, Asians, Arabs, Iranians, Indians , Pakistani’s and other Foreigners for Votes and Donation Conservative Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artists Looking for Black Slaves, Hispanics to work in their Farm, Clean their houses, and asking for their Votes and Urge every Americans to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore Urge every minorities to stay away from the Racist Draft Gore people.

I would urge every Blacks, Jews, Asians, Hispanics, Iranians, Arabs, Latinos and other foreigners (French, Germans, Italians, Russians) to stay away from these Conservative Racist Draft Gore people if you have some self respect and dignity. They hate the minorities and they discriminate against you. Therefore use your own Judgment. They make fun of the way you speak English and they make fun of the way you write English, although they speak and write like illiterates.

They have made many racial comments about you , they abused you, they insulted you , they called you by names , they criticized you on their forums (,, ) and they don’t like you because they are Evil and you are God‘s children . Now they want your Votes, Money and Support. Have some self respect for your self. Stay away from these con Artists and Criminals. That’s why I call them Racist Draft Gore Con Artists.

They stole money from Katrina Victims. Now they steal money from the American people daily, by lying, cheating and conning the innocent vulnerable Americans. As far as I am concerned they are worthless Predicts that Conservative Racist Draft Gore people will never accomplish anything in this world or in America as they wanted.

They Stole money from Katrina victims (Jan Moore witch) . Now they are stealing money from the American people on a daily basis by using Al Gore’s name. They all will fail in their effort and burn in hell. also claims that they created thousands of fake signatures in order to fool other democrats and the republicans by manipulating internet software by using their elementary cheap tricks and the fake names they created.Draft Gore movement is mainly run by losers who don’t have a life, mainly retired unemployed old conservatives from the racist southern state of Tennessee and some con artists looking for job in politics by using Vice president Al Gore.

They are mainly looking for your Votes, support and Money so that they go against the republicans. Most of them are desperate people who are looking for short time partners.These people would do anything to con the Americans. Con Artist Monica Friedlander , Linda from Draft Gore, Susan Madrak, Neo Libman - NeuvoLiberal, Nicholas Smith , MB Williams from Sally Westgate, Jim are thieves and con artists.There is also another old lady who lives in UK, Anne , who is desperate and one of the worst evil doer. She uses her Conservative racist male friends to attack other democrats or republicans. Jan Moore Stole money from the Katrina Victims.At the end they all will turn out to be the losers and pay for their sins they committed against god and other living beings in hell.
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