Thursday, October 11, 2007

Draft Al Gore Con Artist Monica Friedlander and her Draft Gore Con Artists are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake sign

Draft Al Gore Con Artist Monica Friedlander and her Draft Gore Con Artists are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake sign
Draft Al Gore Con Artist Monica Friedlander and her Draft Gore Con Artists are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signatures
Racist Draft Al Gore Con Artist are Deceiving America and Al Gore by creating thousands of fake signaturesDraft Al Gore Con Artists Created 1000s of Fake signatures to fool the American People and Al Gore so that they can steal more money from America. These people are Liars, Crooks, Con Artists, and worthless , Power Less Unemployed trashes. Monica is a biggest Evil witch and a con Artist.-----------------------------------------------------------
Group Urges Gore To Run For President100,000 People Sign Petition To Urge GorePOSTED: 8:38 am CDT July 12, 2007UPDATED: 10:48 am CDT July 12, 2007 only $4800 for Gore on ActBlue?by azizhpTue Jul 10, 2007 at 06:02:17 AM PDTUpdate [2007-7-10 10:3:26 by azizhp]: people seem confused about ActBlue's Draft page. The money goes to Gore if he declares, or the eventual Dem nominee if he does not. So its risk free.Update [2007-7-10 10:7:30 by azizhp]: Fred Thompson, another undeclared candidate for President, is raising boatloads of cash.


According to this Posting on DailyKos these Racist Draft Gore con Artist were able to raise only $4800 from actblue, Lets say if those 137, 000 people donated $1000, each person , they should have $1000000,000 in their account and can you show it to America that you $100, 000 in your account. Evil witches and Demons why are you lying to the American people and deceiving them. You all will pay for this Crime in Rotten Hell..

Now they are using the same number of people to donate money over and over using other people’s credit cards and by giving them credits to show the media that they collecting money from 1000000 ‘s of people.. They are also using many Illegal contribution which violates the Federal Law. They are using many Illegal tactic to make the Donation by circulating the same money and by using the same people using different way to make the contribution to show America that Many different people are contributing, These people are basically Con Artists.. Hell is the only Choice for you evil Doers …


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